Supporting kelp forest recovery
Assessing potential recovery solutions to shift from kina barrens to kelp forests.
In collaboration with the University of Auckland and the University of Waikato, Tidal Research leads the Sustainable Seas project ‘Assessing potential recovery solutions for kina barrens’. The project aimed to share knowledge between Fisheries New Zealand, Tangata Whenua representatives and Sustainable Seas researchers on the causes of kina barrens in Northland New Zealand, and explore management actions that could be applied to address the issue. This involved the development of probabilistic Bayesian Network models which summarised ecological knowledge and knowledge gained from the workshop to further help inform management decision making.
Kelp forests are highly productive environments and support many ecologically and commercially important marine species. However, kelp forests are declining and shifting to kina (also referred to as sea urchins) barren habitats and this is now recognised as an important environmental issue in Aotearoa New Zealand. The loss of large predators (e.g., snapper and spiny lobster) which feed on kina as a result of overharvesting is recognised as one of the primary causes of kelp forest decline.
Management actions are needed now to reduce kina numbers and increase abundances of large predators to help the recovery of kelp to rocky shores. Some management options include kina culling/removal of kina, the development of marine reserves/no take areas, and reduced fishing pressure. Research has indicated that a combination of management techniques may be required for long-term kelp restoration
Project status
July 2024 - Project complete. Report published on the Sustainable Seas Challenge website.
Bulmer R. H., Pilditch C., Stephenson F., Shears N., Flowers G. (2024). Assessing potential recovery solutions to shift from kina barrens to kelp forests. Sustainable Seas National Science Challenge.